Saturday, May 2, 2020


VSO Cambodia 2019 Highlight
As we reach the end of 2019, we reflected back on what we've achieved as an organisation and a movement of dedicated volunteers, alumni, primary actors, partners and staff. Through volunteering, VSO works towards the delivery of the SDGs ensuring that all volunteering is for development, contributing to reach the global goals and stimulating active citizenship.

We have been truly inspired by the hard work of all of those involved in our programmes and through this message we want to say a huge THANK YOU. You are incredible. We wish you all a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing what we can do together in 2020.

Please watch and share our video and inspire others to join us in our mission to create lasting change through volunteering.

Think Before you Volunteer


“Think Before You Volunteer” shows some of the pitfalls of not preparing before volunteering overseas. Not all volunteering is impactful and responsible and some well-intentioned volunteers can inadvertently do more harm than good.
#ResponsibleVolunteering  #StopOrphanTrips

ICS One Life Experience 

International Citizen Service (ICS) is a youth cross culture programme funded #UKAID. Volunteers from UK and Cambodia from age 18 to 29 will live and work together in rural community of Cambodia for 10 to 12 weeks.



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